
Water Recycling / 水分回收

Water recycling 水分回收
Watercolor on paper 水彩紙本
56 x 76 cm

本年香港錄得七年來最多的熱帶風暴和較高的降雨量 (資料來源﹕香港天文台)。在八號暴風鸚鵡懸掛的一天,我用家中的抽濕機抽取空氣的水分,而後再畫了一幅水彩畫。

This year Hong Kong records for seven years most typhoons and tropical cyclones (sourced from Hong Kong Observatory). I had one day off on the day when the No.8 Storm signal was necessitated for Typhoon Nuri, I used my home dehumidifier to draw water from the air. After then I made a watercolor painting with the water.
