Installation 裝置
Dimension variable 尺寸不定
病態建築症候群(以下簡稱SBS) 發生於房屋緊密,戶外空氣無法滲入的建築物,因而室內累積大量化學性和生化性污染物。患者會有以下病徵﹕頭痛、暈眩、眼、鼻、喉刺激、噁心、無法集中精神、疲倦等等。我的畢業作品是針對畢業展覽場地,透過引進一定空間比率的植物 (每一百平方英尺的室內空間就提供六平方英吋的植物,以上的比率是根據美國國家航空航天局高級研究員Bill Wolverton博士的研究),作品能夠控制室內空氣污染,而且提供一個舒適和愉快的參觀展覽經驗,令觀眾免於SBS的困擾。在這情況下,作品不單被置於藝術場域,而且成為一部「自然空氣淨化器」。就我的作品而言,我強調作品跟展覽內容和脈絡、空間以及觀眾的關係。藝術作品不單是獨立存在的物體,而且可以成為展覽內容的一部份。
Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is caused by inadequate ventilation and indoor pollution due to chemical and biological contaminants. Sufferers may experience acute discomfort such as headache, eye, nose, or throat irritation, concentration difficulties, fatigue and so on. My graduation work aims to provide a comfortable indoor space, as well as an enjoyable museum experience for the visitors. By installing plants and keeping them to a optimal proportion to the exhibition space (6 square inches of greenery for every 100 square feet of indoor space, according to the research of senior research NASA scientist, Dr. Bill Wolverton), I ensure my work will control the indoor air pollution and visitors will be spared from the undesirable SBS. My work functions both as artwork and as a ‘natural air purifying machine’.
An artwork is not only an autonomous object, but it can also relate to the ‘content of container’. For my graduation project, I try to make it relational to the exhibition context, space and audience.