In the past thirty years, the Hong Kong government has been pruning over 300 roads in the record of Highways department, the official reason is large scale construction projects, including domestic housing and commercial buildings. The post-colonial city planning forces the “space” to push away history, as a result, stories are lost, and consequently human behavior is restrained by the stereotype of metropolitan city.
I document the lost roads sites, and present the relationship between the missing and existing stories. The non-durable quality of the photographs enhances the idea of this piece as a city monument.
道路的使用由人類的行為和習性而界定,人的存在為其純粹物理性上提供了「歷史」與「故事」。Michel de Certeau 將可產生故事的行為命名作 Narrative Action,其對於城市的重要性在於能將「地方」轉化成具時間性和關聯性的「空間」,並有效地進行管理和發展。